Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Garden

I have to have a garden.  This year I waited a bit to start my seeds.  We mainly started romaine, tomatoes, peas, spinach, cilantro and oregano from seeds.  We also did some flowers for Madison this year, which we haven't done in the past.  I'm super excited about the romaine as the last time we did it (Provo) the lettuce was bitter.  This year the lettuce has been I just wish I had planted more romaine.  Buying tons of lettuce can get expensive here.  I buy the 6 pack from Costco, but sometimes they only have to fancy baby artisan lettuce, which I feel is kind of a rip off.  Lettuce is super expensive in the grocery store...use to buy it for $1 a head in Utah on sale.  I think its a couple dollars here.  I planted a variety of tomatoes.  My best and biggest ones (they were still pretty small when I planted them) got eaten by some bugs.  That was beefsteak tomatoes for us this year.  We do have 3 black cherry tomatoes (Tyler really liked those last year), a sun gold cherry, a yellow pear (my favorite), and two mystery tomatoes.  Mystery tomatoes as in the mom of the kid I watch is a plant professor at Loyola and she brought me 2 tomatoes, two peppers (I think one is banana, one yellow), two basil (I was hoping for the basil), parsley, sage, cilantro, and lemon balm!  Our oregano had a short life--I think we thought the oregano was a weed and pulled it while actually leaving the weeds...sad.

Every time Clark walks past the garden he has to pull something!  Poor Madison might not ever get a chance to see her flowers in full bloom.